
This is how the tables are: Colo Colo has not released yet and the U breathes | Football24 News English

Only three dates before the end of the championship, nothing is said. Neither in the upper part, where Universidad Católica and La Calera dispute the title, nor in the relegation zone, where Colo Colo and Universidad de Chile coexist with the Phantom of B.

Is that Cobresal’s triumph against Coquimbo, by the minimum account, made several things clear. The first is that all teams are up to date and that the last three dates, which start tomorrow, will be played on equal terms.

The other thing that was also established is that the albos still cannot breathe calmly, because today Coquimbo and Iquique descend directly and Colo Colo and Universidad de Concepción play the defining match for permanence.

And this is because the mining triumph left Coquimbo in last place with 31 points in the annual table and Iquique is at the bottom of the weighted ranking with 1,025 units. That is, both are passed to gladioli. However, the statistics and the rules of the Tournament say that if a team descends by the weighted and occupies the penultimate place in the Annual, it will be the antepenultimate squad that plays the duel of permanence with the penultimate of the weighted. In simple words, the Popular must face the faces of those from the south, because the laity are saving themselves from everything since they are third to last in the weighted with 1,180 points.

Of course, everything can change this weekend, since the Mapuche cast visits the celestial dragons and the pirates receive the penquistas. The tournament is scary!