
Tom Brady’s diet for success at 43 | Football24 News English

Tom Brady is one of the big names in the NFL. His seven champion rings, a unique case in the history of this sport after his victory with Tampa Bay, make him, in his own right, one of the best of all time. But how did you get this myth stay on top at 43 in a sport of so much contact? The solution is in your diet.

The athlete follows a very strict diet in which only eats organic products, does not consume anything that has gluten and drinks a minimum of 5 liters of water every day. But as if that weren’t enough, he takes such care that he doesn’t even eat healthy foods like tomatoes, peppers, or eggplants because they can cause some inflammation.

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Brady and his wife, Gisele Bündchen, they had a personal cook at their service who was in charge of cooking the food they ate daily. His name is Allen Campbell, and he explains to the Daily News that before playing a Superbowl, the sports star ate only “green leafy vegetables, some grass-fed animal protein, legumes and whole grains.” Nothing else.

Diet, sport and success

The chef worked for the couple for more than three years, between 2013 and 2016, and noted that “their diet is 80% made up of fruits and vegetables“So he buys local and organic products, stays away from GMOs and has a very clear philosophy:” A plant-based diet has the power to reverse and prevent diseases.

80 percent of Brady’s diet is based on fruits and vegetables

A normal diet in a day from Tom Brady It could be this: drink a pint of water with electrolytes as soon as you get up around 5.30. He has avocado and eggs for breakfast with the family around 7 and, around 8, he trains for two hours at home. Then he has a protein shake to last until lunch, where he has a salad with nuts and fish. In the middle of the afternoon, after training with the team, eat some hummus, guacamole or nuts and, for dinner, chicken with roasted vegetables.

That meal plan changes on game days. For those days, she usually has a smoothie and a jam and almond butter sandwich. Those who know him say that her favorite smoothie It is composed of blueberries, banana, chia seeds, nuts, almond butter and hemp milk, of plant origin.

Tom Brady is the only player to have achieved 7 champion rings (Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports)

However, this rigid feeding system has little to do with the one Brady was following 20 years ago when he debuted in the NFL. Back then, nachos, onion rings or ham and cheese sandwiches could be your diet on game day, nothing like what you do today. Of course, he recognizes that, from time to time, he still gives himself some whims.

He only wants the best

In an interview with Men’s Health, Tom Brady acknowledged that he has changed over the years: “Now, If I want pizza, I want the best pizza. I don’t eat a slice that tastes like shit and then I wonder, ‘Why am I eating shitty pizza?’ That’s what has changed. “Something that not only happens to him, but is common as he grows.

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But Brady has the likes of other mortals, too, and every once in a while, he has a good burger and chocolate. In addition to his success on the pitch, Tom Brady is also successful in business and he has a company dedicated to health and well-being called TB12, the initials and the number with which the famous athlete plays.

John Burns, chief executive of TB12, acknowledges to the New York Post that Brady is “obsessive: a man with a plan and the determination (and the money) to execute it.” And one of the tips that can be read on that website is very useful for people who are looking to lose weight: you have to have be very careful with the size of the servings.

Occasionally a luxury is allowed, but only of the best quality

In addition, on the TB12 website it is also recommended stop eating two hours before bedtime and Brady himself points out that he never eats fruit alone. This strict diet explains why, at 43, he once again led an NFL team to the title. And be careful, because he still has at least one more active season left, since last year he signed for two years with Tampa Bay at a rate of 25 million dollars a year.