
Transform your bike into an electric bike with this simple but effective kit | Football24 News English

They have become an increasingly common vehicle since it is a perfect solution to move around the city or even to practice sports given the variety of models that currently exist on the market and that adapt to all needs. They also do not pollute and are easily parked. They are electric bicycles.

Given its proliferation, proposals like this one that comes from Brookling in the United States arise. It is a simple but effective system of conversion of a bicycle conventional in electrical.

Price content

The device is based on an electric motor that assists a conventional bicycle. It’s called Clip e-bike and it has a price of around 300 euros to change. One of its main advantages is simplicity since no tools are needed to install it.

It is attached to the fork of the bicycle, has a weight of about three kilos and is capable of by friction of a roller on the tire cause the front wheel to move. But the same power is not always delivered since the device includes an intelligent algorithm that controls the flow of energy.

Clip e-bike

This configuration allows avoiding complex gears or pinions. Although this is not a state-of-the-art technology, its efficiency and reliability, as well as a contained price, are its main arguments.

It can be adapted to road or city bikes with tires between 26 and 28 inches.

Clip e-bike

Sufficient autonomy

The electric motor that it includes is capable of producing 450W and includes a battery (inside the kit itself) with a capacity of 144 Wh that allows a range of up to 45 minutes or a distance of between 15 to 25 kilometers. To recharge it, it must be plugged into a home network for about 40 minutes for a full charge.

Clip e-bike

At the moment its creators assure that they are increasing production since a first batch has sold all the available kits. They also finalize a more advanced version for use in rain, something that at the moment is not recommended with the current variant. If you are looking for something like that for immediate application, here is our recommendation.


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