
U. de Chile achieves a place in the Copa Libertadores Femenina after beating Colo Colo | Football24 News English

The match at the Santa Laura Stadium began with the university team generating pressure from the beginning. At three minutes the lead Daniela zamora disturbed the goal protected by the Colombian Castaño with a powerful shot. At 7 ‘ Natalia Cayupán would generate danger again for the ‘U’ by means of a low shot.

The minutes passed and the meeting was in favor of the blue game. Those led by Carlos Véliz showed a direct and fast game on offense, generating concern in the defense of Colo Colo. The account was opened at 16 ‘, when Carla guerrero he came up from the right wing to finally make a shot in the area that was barely elevated.

When the clock struck 22 minutes, An inattention from the alba defense after a free kick by the ‘U’ ended with Zamora receiving the ball freely in the area, before which the scorer had no problems to define coldly and put things 1-0.

They did not manage to spend ten minutes and Universidad de Chile would celebrate again, this time thanks to the feet of Barbara Sánchez, who scored 2 to 0 after a great individual play where she eluded the Colo Colo goalkeeper.

From then on, the colocolinas players tried to reach the discount and were able to take control of the ball, but in the same way they did not manage to reach the rival goal with danger and the first half came to an end with the advantage of 2 to 0 for the blues.

Those led by Luis Menas entered halftime with a different mentality, seeking from the beginning to reach the goal of Universidad de Chile in danger. The players increased the intensity in recovery and exit.

Despite the momentum they showed at the beginning of the second half, as time passed, the popular team lost its leading role and the match entered a lagoon, in which both teams failed to reach rival areas in danger.

When the game was already in the discounts, Colo Colo scored the discount goal after a set piece that ended with Gisela Pino yelling a goal. At first it was thought that the play was going to be canceled due to the player’s forward position, but the forward position was enabled.

Finally, the match ended with a score of 2-1 in favor of Universidad de Chile. With this triumph, the university team achieved a place in the 2021 Copa Libertadores Femenina, which will be their first participation in this international tournament, where they will also accompany Santiago Morning in the national delegation.