
UC versus Union La Calera | Football24 News English

I am writing before the decisive match between Universidad Católica and Unión La Calera in San Carlos de Apoquindo. A draw is enough for the crossed team to once again become champion of Chilean soccer. Running race, in my opinion. In fact, UC should not have waited that long to reach a historic three-time championship, but absences due to injuries, suspensions and a couple of sales in the middle of the tournament have prolonged the well-deserved celebration.

Fate wanted the definition of the season to end up starring two institutions with very different sports projects. Both are legitimate, but in the case of La Católica with an added value that suggests that not only its fans are satisfied with its success on the court. Nothing in particular against the followers of Unión La Calera and the inhabitants of the cement city in general, who probably for the most part do not question how, but simply observe the successive achievements that their team has been achieving, with two consecutive classifications to the South American Cup -2018 and 2019-, now to the Libertadores of 2021, and fighting until the end for a first title in the first professional division. Who is one to question the logical joy and enthusiasm that these campaigns provoke in the Caleran fans? I do not raise here the undeniable merit of a squad and its coaching staff by fighting one of the three greats of Chilean football. The problem is what your sports project represents, and who is behind it.

Today Unión La Calera is one of the satellites of the powerful Argentine businessman Christian Bragarnik, who in partnership with his compatriots Ricardo Y Sebastian Pini they have replicated in the team a business model where what prevails is the constant buying and selling of players and coaches. What’s more, of the 2018 squad only two footballers survive: Thomas rodriguez –With a visit to Genova in 2019- and Yonathan Andía. Year after year the club is exposed to an almost complete renovation, drawing on Bragarnik’s generous job bank. The fans fail to become fond of any of their footballers, making the emergence of idols or references almost impossible. Business cannot wait.


The former president of the ANFP Disciplinary Court considers it “unpresentable” that Óscar Fuentes represents ULC in the impersonation case.

The figures of the moment are barely seen in the city, since many of them choose to live in Concón, there near the sea, where the training center also works, taking away the possibility of that rich athlete-fan communication from which they have always been boasted the teams of regions, so far from the coldness of the capital. This, without counting the change of the logo decided by the current owners without consultation with the partners.

Even more serious, training football has been almost an ornament. Thus, for example, this season no player from the Caleran quarry added more than one game in the 32 dates played. For what? If the business is the showcase for players that are bought cheaply and can be sold with several zeros added. Thanks to the network of these entrepreneurs, Unión La Calera has a powerful staff, valued according to the Transfermarkt site at almost 11 million euros. Not too far from the little more than 12 million euros that according to the same site the UC campus would cost. But with a big difference, and that is the how.

The Catholic University is sustained precisely by the work of its lower divisions, becoming one of the main sources of contribution to the development of Chilean football. Behind the UC title there is already more than a decade of serious and responsible work. With a clear policy in which the identification of their idols with their fans is non-negotiable. While this season in ULC it is impossible to name a youth, in the Catholic there are plenty of names: Carlos Solomon, Marcelino Nunez, César Munder, Clemente Montes, Gonzalo tapia, Alexander Aravena Y Diego Valencia they were protagonists in more than one game. This, without counting several more irrigated in different teams on loan. That an institution that, along with this, exhibits healthy finances and that has already announced the remodeling of its stadium to bring it up to international standards, be validated with a new title, should be good news for the objective observer who is concerned that the good examples are replicated in other clubs in the country.


The Blues beat Unión Española 3-0 and are two points behind the Copa Libertadores. Universidad Católica remains the leader, while Colo Colo remains in the penultimate position.