
Unusual: the Chacarita bar took over the club in the midst of a pandemic to film a video clip and make fun of the faction it defeated | Football24 News English

The stadium is not open to the public, but to the bar it is. The club has a strict protocol for the common fan, but the bar can do its thing as if it were the owner of the house, such as occupying the press conference room, deciding that the pandemic does not exist and distancing either, and even arming some games on the baby fields to show the vice. All that happened on the court Chacarita, where the violent have been starring in a fierce intern for two years and now added an audiovisual chapter because to ratify that he won the war and that the platform is his, The Famous Band, the Chaca bar referenced in its historical leader Raúl Muchinga, his wife Angélica Molina and their son, Chucky, decided to make a video generated by the singer fana del Funebrero, Taylor Mamii, where they also vindicate the neighborhoods that make up the bar as a land of criminals, celebrate the codes of the mafia and send a message to the rival faction “We are family”, which they classify as types who play at being thugs but are already broke. More clear…

True, the song is catchy and with another theme and protagonists without a record, it could even be a radio hit, but they parade through the images all the time Chucky, Fatila, Aldo, Josué, Magú Aguirre capo from Villa La Rana, Muchinga’s son-in-law and many other bars in the areas of Billinghurst, 9 de Julio, Loyola, Villa La Cárcova, Villa Melo, José León Suárez, the Curita neighborhoods and 18, Libertador and Villa Maipú, most with very heavy medical records and who had ended up arrested in 2019 when several raids were made and the crime of illicit association was handed over to the bar, although last year almost all of them regained their freedom and re-entered the life of the institution as if nothing, to the point that some even entered the field undercover to see the team in closed-door games due to the pandemic, camouflaged as employees of Utedyc, the union that brings together the workers of sports and civil entities.

The most characteristic places of the bar are those that appear in the video: the El Club bar, the tenement that was raided several times in search of weapons and drugs and, of course, the local tribune, the one on Gutiérrez street. And most of the little soldiers of the leaders that appear in the video proudly display their tattoos of weapons, as if to make it clear that if someone wants to iron out their power, they will respond with blood and fire.

For San Martín, the impunity for making the video clip is not surprising, since the power they hold is important. Until football was stopped due to the coronavirus they had all the food and drink stalls filled and, for example, in matches many fans denounced that the taps of the popular bathrooms were closed with bolts so that those who wanted to quench their thirst forced to drink the soda that they themselves reduce with water and sold at the price of champagne. They organized parties at the institution’s facilities, charging entrance fees and bringing cumbia groups to play, and they also have a monopoly on the sale of clothing, merchandising, resale of tickets and cloths, and the management of the soccer fields. And Angélica Molina registered in intellectual property in her name the legends La Famosa Banda and La Famosa banda de San Martín, with which anything that is sold or performed under those names should be paid to her, such as the official video of the barra, which shows the unpunished power with which they move throughout San Martín.


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