
Wanchope Abila’s harsh release from El Morro: “They forgot about Santiago” | Football24 News English

Argentine soccer is shocked by the death of Santiago García. Fans, leaders and footballers remembered the Uruguayan striker and lamented his death on social media. And one of the most heartfelt farewells and with a harsh text that calls for reflection was written by Wanchope Ábila. The Boca forward highlighted his admiration and respect for the striker, and his words were charged with a particular sensitivity because the Cordovan lived closely a very similar situation when his nephew committed suicide last year after a deep depression.

The discharge of Wanchope after the death of Morro García.

“It was crossing you, asking you not to score us a goal, but the game was over and we were already changing our shirts regardless of the result. Mutual respect and a lot of admiration. Morro darling, you made me shit with this decision, but I just wish it was your peace“He started the release of the xeneize tip, from scorer to scorer, demonstrating his weakness for the Uruguayan. And he continued with a criticism of those friends of the champion who are not in the difficult times:” Strengthen those people who loved you as a human being, the others only cared if you made them money, the photo of the moment or the crack lights that everyone wanted to show off on social media. “

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And Wanchope closed his text, revealing an accusation to those who did not accompany the person outside of the professional, of breaking the networks of Mendoza. “They forgot about Santiago, sorry phenomenon. Big hug to heaven and your memories will remain forever “.

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The death of El Morro, who was undergoing psychiatric treatment and according to the first hypotheses would have taken his own life, hit Ábila particularly because of the family tragedy that he had to go through last year. The forward himself had recounted at the end of last year the difficult moment due to the suicide of his nephew Gastón. “I have been beaten for several months. The pandemic took away my brother (actually his nephew). I had bad luck that he took his life in my house because of a depression that he never warned and that many people happen to himRamón said after a match against Newell’s. And that time also called for reflection: “I want to give the message to those people to ask for help, because there are people who will surely want to help her and will have the need to help her get ahead. Because they don’t have an idea of ​​the sadness that feels from one day to the next to receive the call that your brother took his own life in your own home … “.