
Why do football players paint their eyes? | Football24 News English

Mexico City / 07.02.2021 19:13:51

At Super Sunday, there are many ‘new’ fans to Football, who may not know the secret of why the players are painted black under their eyes, however today, in Mediotiempo we tell them the story.

Why do players paint their eyes?

While stories from more than 50 years ago were believed to be in homage to ancient Native American warriors, its original purpose is merely to have a sports advantage.

The two black lines under the eyes are for prevent glare from the sun or stadium lights from affecting visibility of the players.

A study of the Yale University, confirmed that the use of this tradition notably increases the productivity of players (receivers, QBs and defenders) compared to those who do not use them.

What are they made of?

In the 70s and early 80s, it was used vaseline with coloring, although in the end it began to damage the eyes of those who used it, due to the toxic ingredients with which it is made, plus it was not so anti-reflective.

Years later it began with the use of normal fat in black and Today there are various products that fulfill this function of promoting better visibility on the grid.