WNBA player removes breasts for inspiration | Football24 News English



It seems that much progress has been made in 2021, but what is clear is that there is still a long way to go in terms of rights. Demands of people with high visibility are essential for them to be found in society.

The world of sports is a great showcase for this and that is why Layshia Claredon, basketball player of the WBNA, has made a gesture to claim and manifest the rights of the cLGTBI + collective who have been hit by the passage of Donald Trump in the White House.

The player of the New York Liberty announced that he had undergone a surgical intervention for remove breasts. She herself has been in charge of communicating that this was not due to a medical cause, but is so that transgender youth can see a reference to reflect on. “Usually I’m not afraid to share news publicly, butor the amount of hate, myths and ignorance that exists made me wonder if I should communicate this joy. I had surgery! I feel free and euphoric with my body and I want people trans know and see that we have always existed and that no one can erase us. “

After going through the operating room, Layshia found herself comfortable with her body and has commented on this. “It is difficult to put into words the feeling of seeing my chest for the first time without breasts, seeing my chest as I have always seen it and feel a feeling of euphoria gender as opposed to gender sadness. Freedom… Freedom, at last “.

Unfortunately this has sparked controversy, that she claims this process of change has made and some even ask that she cannot continue playing. The WNBA It has put a stop to all this commotion and has issued a statement on the matter. “The New York Liberty family fully supports Layshia Clarendon and your decision to live authentically. We are and will continue to be an organization that celebrates the individuality of all people.

Is a pride May Layshia embody the belief that our strength lies in the truth and that no one should live limited by social boundaries. His pioneering journey as an athlete, along with his social activism, it is an inspiration for each of us to honor our humanity above all else. ”

Layshia is one of the most active people in terms of social demands. His activism is widely recognized in the United States and he has never been downcast when it comes to doing so. “I identify as black, gay, female, non-cisgender and Christian. I am an outsider even within every community to which I belong.or. My own existence defies all racial, sexual, gender and religious barriers“He said one of the times. For words like these he is a true reference in the LGTBI + world.