Diego Riolfo and a reflection on the football “product” in which “the players are the raw material” | Football24 News English

February 9, 2021

“El Morro was a friend to me, not just a colleague,” said Diego Riolfo and said that he went to Maldonado crying to play his game with Wanderers last Saturday, hours after the news of Santiago García’s death was known. .

Riolfo was a companion of “Morro” in Godoy Cruz de Mendoza, in the best moment of the scorer’s career, and he remembered him as “a more than positive leader”. “He was the one who gave us the talks, the one who trained regardless of the pain,” he said.

In the note with 100% Sports the player reflected on how football works, on “the product in which the players are the raw material” and what they tolerate because “the show must continue.”

He said that his family asked him why he did not speak on Saturday and explained that he could not play because he was bad, affected by the death of his friend, and stressed that it is assumed that players do not have that possibility.

“We have to review the attitudes that each of us have in football. The footballer, the leader, the journalist and the fan. What is it that we generate throughout this world, which is a product,” he emphasized.

Riolfo recalled the phrase that has been repeated in recent days regarding that “players are not robots” and that, although they know that they are exposed to criticism, due to different circumstances they can fail or make mistakes.

“There was always the sarcasm, the joke, but today we use the networks in such a way that the joke becomes massive. So, what before four or five people told you and could affect you or not, today 20,000 people tell you. And a human being, I don’t know if he can put up with 20,000 negative comments. Every person in the world of football has the power to loosen up with that, “he said.

“It is a time to be aware of what happens to the person and not to the soccer player. And for that you have to have a lot of dialogue,” added Riolfo.

Listen to the interview.

Photo: Wanderers